Sigma - the sum of the divisors of n


Each term is: The sum of the number's divisors

Known as: Sigma - the sum of the divisors of n

The sum of the divisors of n.

The first 50 terms (starting from n=1) are:

1 3 4 7 6 12 8 15 13 18 12 28 14 24 24 31 18 39 20 42 32 36 24 60 31 42 40 56 30 72 32 63 48 54 48 91 38 60 56 90 42 96 44 84 78 72 48 124 57 93


To get the value for n=15:

  • Find the number's divisors, giving 1, 3, 5, 15
  • Add these together, giving 24.

So the result is 24.


On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences